Sunday, February 24, 2019

Week One - 2

Plot Development -

So as I mentioned in my last posting, my partner and I planned to stray from any action or SFX due to the fact that we don't have much available to us for use. Together we agreed that a perfect timeless, cheap, and immediate setting that was available to us would be a bedroom. We also chose to work in a pair as opposed to a group so we only had two members, and thus we decided to make our short film include only one actor. The entirety of the film would take place in the bedroom of this character, and the audience watches him/her as they are presumably alone and at their most vulnerable. This is another common postmodern characteristic. We hope the situation we create forces the viewers to feel everything the main character is feeling.

As for plot, we wanted to develop a story that was emotionally heavy, yet simple. We also wanted to create a sense of familiarity, as this man or woman will be in their most naked or "human" state when alone in their bedroom. So a conflict that we felt was dramatic and relatable, yet also easy to portray was a text conversation between a young boy and a girl he is trying to ask out. We felt it would be very interesting if the dialogue of the entire film was delivered through a series of texts, and overall we hope to eventually use this technique to critique humans incapability of engaging in real life conversations.

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Week Eight - 4

Creative Critical Reflection - Hey guys i stumbled upon a segment of a never before seen interview with the star of our short film, check ...